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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Just now, AL-FFC said:

Just been reading some of the Sunderland forum and f**k me its like this one on steroids.

boards incompetent need to go need change, manager needs sacked etc etc

You're just playing at it compared to readytogo.

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4 minutes ago, Wilson92FFC said:

Although it's bloody irritating, I quite enjoy reading his rants. Makes a shi**y night a wee bit better 😂😂

Hes feckin obsessed. Why is he ranting on here though suddenly and not simply heading along to confront his arch enemy.on monday though.

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9 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

A lot i can get my head round it would cost less for to get us to Premiership and if the idea of buying and selling on players for a more lucrative price  take dembele for starts who Park found 450k and sold for 22m but you need to get the club  to that platform to see them play.

For every Dembele, Van Diijk etc there is a Bangura and co



It was always going to be a journey into the unknown no matter who were gonna be our new owners. There is no money to made in the majority of football clubs never mind Scottish football. I dont know if he sees us a club to bring through players scouted by Park and sell on for big bucks, to do so we would need to be where he has suggested where he sees us.

time will tell and the meeting on Monday wont tell us much either


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I will send an email to one of the organisers and see if I can at the very least get a summary to post on this forum. 

I've also been looking to find your club specific forum so I could add to a topic on there but to no avail. Could someone post a link to that please? Much appreciated. 

Thanks for taking an interest and, hopefully, sharing some of the details.

Our club specific forum was overun with zoomers and disappeared so this is pretty much the best place to post. There's a Facebook page (COYB) but that's where the zoomers relocated to.
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Same guy same postal code,tell me he’s not a fraudster 
How the f**k can you can you say that?
I'm sitting on the fence regarding this new takeover.
If you have done your homework on him then get all the facts , figures and stories from both sides.
So far you are just posting what just about anyone can get online... but with only the one side.
You sound like a leader of a kangaroo court.
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18 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

You're just playing at it compared to readytogo.

In all fairness theyve had a shitty hand as well with a majority of their cluster fucks down to board decisions as well mind you at least they havent called their fans rascist

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Apologies for singling someone out, and it might get me an annoyed PM later, but I'm pleased to see BPM liked your post. 
Big man - nobody trusts the MSG to do the right thing as it may line their pockets. That might be grossly unfair and totally inaccurate, but it's a common perception amongst fans. 
We have no Bairnstrust or other organised fan body to represent us. That means it falls to BTB, Kenny, David, Keith and patrons like yourself. 
I'd suggest that you not only meet Mark Campbell, but also contact Sunderland fan s groups to see if there is any truth in these online rumours. Offer to meet some of the new posters on here too, in confidence, if they can provide evidence they think you should see. 
The fans need to do their own due diligence. Kenny & David have done brilliant work so far, but it may be that their most important task is still ahead of them. Are you guys willing to take up the cudgel on our behalf? 

It is a watching brief for me. Kenny and Keith are meeting Mark Campbell at 9.30am on Monday. Hopefully that will help us understand things more clearly.

I think meeting the supporters in an open forum. is a positive move.

Certainly been discussions since Friday as to where BTB goes from here.

This looks on paper a great opportunity we all just want reassurance I guess.
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If this fella is genuine what is he going to be thinking with some of the stuff doing the rounds on twitter and what some zoomers are asking him.
If hes a hardened businessman who's worked in New York and dealt in stocks and shares it should be like water off a duck's back.
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If hes a hardened businessman who's worked in New York and dealt in stocks and shares it should be like water off a duck's back.

He’s a del boy who’s run a dodgy taxi firm. Probably never been to New York in his life.
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The man sure does love dissolving companies,yeh he’s saying all the right things I.e build stands,youth acedemies and swimming pools,all fantasists do that talk,he gets in for minimal money then the msg are out and he starts stripping the club for all it’s worth.....then dissolves again 

You not got any puppies left to strangle... ya fucking wet wipe [emoji849]
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On 26/07/2019 at 15:20, Enigma said:


Yeah I would have thought the Falkirk fans would almost unanimously been happier if this bid had included a percentage of fan ownership or at least some fan representation on the board. Would have ensured transparency going forwards and help safeguard the long term future a bit.

From a Raith point of view this is a disaster really. If we weren’t going to challenge before I doubt we’ll be even close to being able to compete now. Looks like you’ve got owners now who’ll be more than happy to buy this league for you and chuck in some more money for those extra bodies you desperately need.


Two hours later...

On 26/07/2019 at 17:18, Enigma said:


Nice to feel appreciated. Anyway, I’ve had a wee play with google. Seems like this Mark Campbell been a director of a mini cab company and not too much more, if he is the guy on Twitter. Hardly the profile of some multi-millionaire high flyer is it?

All I can find about the taxi company was it was involved in a dodgy planning application of some sort.




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