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Imagine what kind of low life piece of shit you’ve got to be to justify homophobia.

Love the statement from the board. There’s clearly toxic masculinity within football and homophobia is clearly still prominent at every level of football so really good to see the club come out with the statement and condemn the shite from the other night.

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3 hours ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

Club is going to be apologising every week.

…….to the gingers, the baldies, the players with big noses etc… 

Will we be apologising to referees if they produce a birth certificate with both parents.

If Clyde re sign Goodwillie, will he get an apology? Perhaps the board might advise different lyrics to the young team. Falkirk boys are on a bender on the balance of probability Goodwillie could be a sex offender.






On the balance of probabilities you’re a complete fud.

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3 hours ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

Club is going to be apologising every week.

…….to the gingers, the baldies, the players with big noses etc… 

Will we be apologising to referees if they produce a birth certificate with both parents.

If Clyde re sign Goodwillie, will he get an apology? Perhaps the board might advise different lyrics to the young team. Falkirk boys are on a bender on the balance of probability Goodwillie could be a sex offender.






"I used to be a  remotely fun, edgy c**t but now I'm a tired irrelevance tilting at windmills" - Olaf Thom.

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1 hour ago, joozy said:

"I used to be a  remotely fun, edgy c**t but now I'm a tired irrelevance tilting at windmills" - Olaf Thom.

Bring back “Alba bairn” if wur going with throwbacks . He would guide us through these tough times . One F born and bread , got a bit more pg over the years Thoe 


Edited by deano25ffc
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This debate ties into the problem with the world now. All abuse is actually bad, yes. However, there are times where you absolutely have to look at the situation in isolation. The song is a bit of a pointless throw away, it doesn’t hold any real malice and it isn’t specifically attacking anyone as it’s such a ridiculously broad statement. If you’re offended by that song you really really do need to get a grip of yourself. How anyone could compare that to throwing a banana at Someone is far beyond me 😂 


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Why is our club so quick to throw our fans under the bus - We are a broad church from daft boys to auld pensioners - all of whom will say or shout something that may offend. 

The club appear to be looking to damage fans lives with banning orders and hate crime convictions.

For what? You think sponsors are queuing up knowing we have a woke board or do you think this statement is reinforcing the narrative we a racist, sexist, homophobic fanbase.

I know if you support Falkirk you're a good egg, you could easily follow the scumbag Old firm. 




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Why is our club so quick to throw our fans under the bus - We are a broad church from daft boys to auld pensioners - all of whom will say or shout something that may offend. 
The club appear to be looking to damage fans lives with banning orders and hate crime convictions.
For what? You think sponsors are queuing up knowing we have a woke board or do you think this statement is reinforcing the narrative we a racist, sexist, homophobic fanbase.
I know if you support Falkirk you're a good egg, you could easily follow the scumbag Old firm. 
If you don't want the fanbase to be thought of as homophobic (which broadly speaking we are not) then don't sing or endorse the signing of homophobic songs?
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The board were right to condemn the singing but I don't think we have an ongoing problem, it's not going to be repeated over the season. I could be wrong but to me it looks like daft laddies making a misjudgment singing an old song rather than a genuine homophobic environment at the stadium, to be honest there's rarely been a song there in 5 or 6 years. If we start singing oh the Montrose/Peterhead/Airdrie etc then it's a different story and more severe action would be needed by the board. 

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I’m glad the club have taken a stand on this and the comments on the post by the directors sum up exactly why it needs to be tackled head on between the “boys will be boys” brigade to the “everyone is a snowflake” crew we need to start to accept that there is a small section of our support who continually bring this on the club and we’ll probably rightfully be national news again for the wrong reasons.

its about time that we called it out for what it is - its homophobia and there is no place for it at our club and I for one am glad that the board are showing they won’t stand for it.

its not throwing our fans under a bus if it happened and there are plenty of people in the stadium who heard it.

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5 hours ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

Why is our club so quick to throw our fans under the bus - We are a broad church from daft boys to auld pensioners - all of whom will say or shout something that may offend. 

The club appear to be looking to damage fans lives with banning orders and hate crime convictions.

For what? You think sponsors are queuing up knowing we have a woke board or do you think this statement is reinforcing the narrative we a racist, sexist, homophobic fanbase.

I know if you support Falkirk you're a good egg, you could easily follow the scumbag Old firm. 




As I said to you before, the world has changed. What was deemed acceptable previously (in fact there wasn’t even a thought about the need for a debate) is not acceptable now. That’s just a fact.

I’m a man of a certain vintage and when I was a wee boy  the corner shop was called the pakis (even when it was owned by a white person 🤔) and I would sometimes get a chinky at the weekend. It never entered my head that these terms may have been offensive to people as they weren’t intended to be, however, if I’d known that they were, I most certainly wouldn’t have used them. Same applied to calling folk poofters or gayboy or whatever.

It’s fairly clear now that certain language is offensive to certain groups and therefore shouldn’t be used and most definitely not in a public situation.

I’m sure you’re not a bad person, I think you maybe just need to get up to date.

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Some folk also need to have a think about their "support" for Falkirk and how important it is to you... And whether its as important as their perceived right to continue to use slurs that they have been told are offensive. 

If you are so determined to continue being a bigot that you will do so despite the clubs warnings and the harm you are doing, you cease to be a Falkirk supporter, and are instead just one of societies wankers who should be banned from the club to prevent further harm. 

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12 hours ago, knee jerk reaction said:

It's political correctness gone mad, I mean you can't even throw bananas on the park and do monkey actions and impressions these days like you used to or shout names at the disabled...

If you can't see the difference between homophobia or racism compared with to take one of your examples baldness then there's no hope for you 

Bit of mutual respect all round and everybody will rub along fine.

You are supporting your club and you either enhance or detract its reputation with your behavior. Keep opinions on religion, politics and sexual orientation to yourself.

Let's leave these to clubs that have let elements of their support hijack their club for political and sectarian aims. 

Plenty other subjects to wind up the opposition both witty and annoying. 

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6 hours ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

Why is our club so quick to throw our fans under the bus - We are a broad church from daft boys to auld pensioners - all of whom will say or shout something that may offend. 

The club appear to be looking to damage fans lives with banning orders and hate crime convictions.

For what? You think sponsors are queuing up knowing we have a woke board or do you think this statement is reinforcing the narrative we a racist, sexist, homophobic fanbase.

I know if you support Falkirk you're a good egg, you could easily follow the scumbag Old firm. 




Not taking sides here but I understand that the Board had no option but to put out that fairly mild rebuke.

Otherwise there could have been  a fine from the football authorities and none of us wants that.

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31 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

As I said to you before, the world has changed. What was deemed acceptable previously (in fact there wasn’t even a thought about the need for a debate) is not acceptable now. That’s just a fact.

I’m a man of a certain vintage and when I was a wee boy  the corner shop was called the pakis (even when it was owned by a white person 🤔) and I would sometimes get a chinky at the weekend. It never entered my head that these terms may have been offensive to people as they weren’t intended to be, however, if I’d known that they were, I most certainly wouldn’t have used them. Same applied to calling folk poofters or gayboy or whatever.

It’s fairly clear now that certain language is offensive to certain groups and therefore shouldn’t be used and most definitely not in a public situation.

I’m sure you’re not a bad person, I think you maybe just need to get up to date.

When did you realise poofter and gay boy might be offensive?

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50 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

As I said to you before, the world has changed. What was deemed acceptable previously (in fact there wasn’t even a thought about the need for a debate) is not acceptable now. That’s just a fact.

I’m a man of a certain vintage and when I was a wee boy  the corner shop was called the pakis (even when it was owned by a white person 🤔) and I would sometimes get a chinky at the weekend. It never entered my head that these terms may have been offensive to people as they weren’t intended to be, however, if I’d known that they were, I most certainly wouldn’t have used them. Same applied to calling folk poofters or gayboy or whatever.

It’s fairly clear now that certain language is offensive to certain groups and therefore shouldn’t be used and most definitely not in a public situation.

I’m sure you’re not a bad person, I think you maybe just need to get up to date.


You and I are approximately the same age Shagger and I was lucky that my auld fella was way ahead of his time as far as racism is concerned. He used to say "we all have the same colour of blood under our different coloured skins". He would have went nuts at any of his kids if we had used the terms Paki or Chinky. However, in his ignorance, he would quite happily sit down in front of the box on a Saturday evening and watch the Black and White Minstrels Show.

You say that the world has changed. (edit: sorry Shagger, you were quoting somebody else, my apologies). No. The world is continually changing and thank goodness it is. I consider myself to be fairly understanding and progressive but just a few short years ago I would sit in front of the box and piss myself laughing at David Walliams and Matt Lucas doing their "I'm a lady" and blackface sketches. It just never entered my head at the time at how offensive these sketches were.

No doubt in the fullness of time we will realise that things that we still find funny now are offensive to some members of society.

We must all strive to continually change and improve ourselves as human beings.

I'll close now by asking for some guidance: Can we still call Fifers 6 fingered mutants?

Edited by Bairn in Exile
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