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The Falkirk FC Thread

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2 hours ago, tokyo bairn said:

Some chat on the COYB page that songs about Norrie McCathie were being sung by the new choir. Is this really true? If so I really think it is time that the club said something about it and we started talking about banning folk.

Obviously no idea if they were sung at your game last night, but in the Woodside Inn before Firhill on Saturday there were plenty singing various songs about Norrie McCathie. The "in a box" song was aired numerous times.

It was mostly younger guys, but they were at least of drinking age because they were getting served in the pub, so it wasn't just some daft teenagers who don't know any better. Really not a great look.

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1 minute ago, Nightmare said:

Obviously no idea if they were sung at your game last night, but in the Woodside Inn before Firhill on Saturday there were plenty singing various songs about Norrie McCathie. The "in a box" song was aired numerous times.

It was mostly younger guys, but they were at least of drinking age because they were getting served in the pub, so it wasn't just some daft teenagers who don't know any better. Really not a great look.

Thanks - this is all very depressing.

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44 minutes ago, martin ritchie said:

Its easy to blame the norrie chants on 13-15year olds but we've all been on supporters buses, in pubs or at train station where it's guys older than teenagers (well kent faces) who are just as involved. I remember a few non regulars tried a chant on the Elliot bus a couple years back and were swiftly told to 'shut the f**k up'. We can't complain about the scummy old firm fans if our own support is just as bad. The board need to do something about it or could the podcast guys highlight it to get a bit of conversation going amongst a broader section of fans to help stamp it out 

Yeah, I was talking about last night specifically.

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I sit in the Grangemouth end of the KM and didn’t hear anything last night but I have heard it before. We should all start booing it whenever it’s sung and the club should start handing out bans for those identified. Self policing is the only way to stop this.

On a side note, I thought the young Ultras gave the team tremendous backing last night and the drum was fine. Keep it up 👍 

Edited by Harry Kinnear
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2 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

Just had a wee keek at the DU thread and most of them seem to think that they played quite well last night. Maybe we're not as far away as we think?


2 hours ago, Shodwall cat said:

The pundits last night on the radio thought we were decent and should be favourites for league one this season.

I'd say based on your performances against both ourselves and United, if you can play anywhere near that level consistently over the season you will win the league comfortably.

Even if United are still in a bit of flux with a lot of the deadwood from last season kicking around, and Thistle are in a bit of a rebuild, but I don't think it's unrealistic to say both teams are stronger than anything you'll face in League One.

I know it's two games, still so early and the League Cup doesn't always ring true to how the league campaign will go, but I thought you looked pretty good in both games and would be confident this season.

Edited by Nightmare
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1 hour ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

Heard them singing it on the concourse at Hampden in April as well. Utterly pathetic. Tried to tell one of them to shut up and got told to f**k off.

wee guy came upto me and my mate at an away game last year. Absolutely off his nut, slurring his words and swaying around. 

I thought my mate knew him and I was concentrating on the game and not really listening.   Then the Wee fanny started going on about Norrie.. I heard my mates voice raising saying "got f-all to do with the game and you weren't even born ya wee dick! before adding "jog on or I'll knock you out" ...

im sure all teams have absolute fuds in their support but still no time for it or any "whataboutery" that comes with it. 

Good opportunity for folk to call it out and the club needs to get involved.  If they are wee kids doing it they need to be treated like wee kids and nice stuff taken away from them for doing it. 


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There were a couple of comments shouted last night from that section which were arguably worse than the Norrie shouts. There’s an element within that group who are absolute brain donors and I fear the club are making a rod for their own back in facilitating this ultras section.

Don’t get me wrong, I welcome the attempts to improve the atmosphere but there’s no place for the sort of stuff that was coming from that area last night.

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6 hours ago, ChrispPancake said:

Lang was not at fault for the goal last night. The tactics of playing it out from the back with a group of players who simply aren't skilled enough to do it is the problem. If McGlynn can't see that then it will be calamity after calamity this season.

Dear McGlynn, you're not Pep and we're not Man City. Play to out skill levels and ability and not from Fifa's 'how to look braw' handbook

While I don’t disagree with you, sometimes though the player has to take responsibility and look for row z.

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7 hours ago, bairn88 said:

I think the frustration comes from the fact we’ve persisted with McKay for 2 seasons now and he’s played more than enough games at CB and now RB for us to know when push comes to shove he’s nowhere near good enough. I’m disappointed he’s as close to the first team as he currently is - that’s again on Mcglynn

finger pointing to Holt for me, 3yr contract on decent money I bet.

I think it's clear to see McGlynn doesn't want McKay here but with him on decent money wont see him moving without us making a contribution of cash to get him off the wage bill.

McKay did have a marked improvement in his performances last season but you know a stinker is not far away, there were occasions he was our last best centre half in games, but you know the other part of his performances all too well which will have supporters with their head in their hands when his name is read out in the starting 11.


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31 minutes ago, Hughsie said:


Don’t get me wrong, I welcome the attempts to improve the atmosphere but there’s no place for the sort of stuff that was coming from that area last night.

Does anyone know if there was a plan for the SLO or other club staff in an official capacity to be in section E over the trial to assess it?

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Just now, Blame Me said:

Does anyone know if there was a plan for the SLO or other club staff in an official capacity to be in section E over the trial to assess it?

You would imagine they were monitoring it all.

One thing I will say is that overall it did lend a better atmosphere, and the laddie who's name was on the big long FB post (and others presumably) have worked hard on it. They need to be given the chance by the club to rectify this issue rather than react and shut the whole thing down, but equally, for me the club need to bring it up with them immediately. 

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1 hour ago, Hughsie said:

There were a couple of comments shouted last night from that section which were arguably worse than the Norrie shouts. There’s an element within that group who are absolute brain donors and I fear the club are making a rod for their own back in facilitating this ultras section.

Don’t get me wrong, I welcome the attempts to improve the atmosphere but there’s no place for the sort of stuff that was coming from that area last night.

If the Ultra's have any sense they will reflect on the reaction and self police.

Hand a few culprits over to the stewards and the problem is solved.

Your move Ultra's

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I'm old enough to remember Norrie McCathie calling out his own supporters - on at least two occasions - for the racist abuse showered on Richie. At a time when Dunfermline v Falkirk was a proper rivalry, not the embarrassing, one-sided cringefest it has become today. Making the chants and the hissing noises even more pathetic. The club should simply state that, the next time this is audible, their singing section is chucked straight in the bin and anyone identified as having participated in it will never set foot in TFS again.

A bunch of embarrassing wee fannies and a complete and utter disgrace to the football club. And it's been going on for years, with zero action being taken. Enough.

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9 minutes ago, AGPar said:

I'm old enough to remember Norrie McCathie calling out his own supporters - on at least two occasions - for the racist abuse showered on Richie. At a time when Dunfermline v Falkirk was a proper rivalry, not the embarrassing, one-sided cringefest it has become today. Making the chants and the hissing noises even more pathetic. The club should simply state that, the next time this is audible, their singing section is chucked straight in the bin and anyone identified as having participated in it will never set foot in TFS again.

A bunch of embarrassing wee fannies and a complete and utter disgrace to the football club. And it's been going on for years, with zero action being taken. Enough.

Agree with a lot of what you say but not sure what the bit I’ve highlighted means. What do you mean before I respond and make a tit of myself ?

Edited by Grangemouth Bairn
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13 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

Agree with a lot of what you say but not sure what the bit I’ve highlighted means. What do you mean before I respond and make a tit of myself ?

My take, from personal experience - and plenty on both sides will vehemently disagree, which is fine - is that Falkirk - and I am talking about more than just the supporters here - work themselves into far more of a frenzy about this rivalry than the Pars do. Obviously, their fans view Falkirk as a rival and revel in beating us, but I do not detect anywhere near the same level of intensity and sheer hatred that seems to emanate from our side. Last season was perhaps a microcosm of that. The home game on 5/11 was hyped up to a ridiculous level on social media, whilst Dunfermline appeared much more low-key in their approach and just went about the pretty important business of picking up three points and setting themselves up to cruise to uncontested to the title. I'd extrapolate that contrast across the whole season tbh. Perhaps there's a lesson there.

I just missed Leishman as Pars manager, although have seen the footage from that season. Both that era, and Jefferies Falkirk v Paton's Dunfermline were on a whole other level to the pale imitation we have today. There is no comparison. I personally find the whole "hating Fifers" stuff cringeworthy in the extreme and utterly small time. Possibly an age thing, but how I see it.

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12 minutes ago, AGPar said:

My take, from personal experience - and plenty on both sides will vehemently disagree, which is fine - is that Falkirk - and I am talking about more than just the supporters here - work themselves into far more of a frenzy about this rivalry than the Pars do. Obviously, their fans view Falkirk as a rival and revel in beating us, but I do not detect anywhere near the same level of intensity and sheer hatred that seems to emanate from our side. Last season was perhaps a microcosm of that. The home game on 5/11 was hyped up to a ridiculous level on social media, whilst Dunfermline appeared much more low-key in their approach and just went about the pretty important business of picking up three points and setting themselves up to cruise to uncontested to the title. I'd extrapolate that contrast across the whole season tbh. Perhaps there's a lesson there.

I just missed Leishman as Pars manager, although have seen the footage from that season. Both that era, and Jefferies Falkirk v Paton's Dunfermline were on a whole other level to the pale imitation we have today. There is no comparison. I personally find the whole "hating Fifers" stuff cringeworthy in the extreme and utterly small time. Possibly an age thing, but how I see it.

Not going to offer a reasonable response here as your mind is clearly made up that ‘our’ fans are the bad guys here and the Dunfermline fans are the good guys but I totally disagree. There are elements on both sides that are absolute scum but for you to totally blame our fans, well I can’t say I agree at all.

I think you are speaking through very bias glasses and your view is very balanced towards Dunfermline.

Edited by Grangemouth Bairn
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