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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Same rules for both 75% to vote in favour 23 out of 30

I really can't see there being a hope in hell of sevco getting enough votes for the first division and i think they're going to struggle to get votes ahead of the likes of spartans to even get in the third.:lol:

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I'm genuinely starting to expect this whole thing to end with David Murray letting go of his crutches and walking round the corner to get into a car with Green and Whyte in the front seats, while Ally McCoist runs out of the front of Ibrox clutching a faxed drawing of the RangersTaxCase blogger that looks like Murray.

"And like that, *pfff*....... he's gone"


Donald Findlay will be driving the car. This has been the plan all along.

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We are Rangers

Super Rangers

No-one likes us

And actually upon reflection we are starting to think we may have failed to anticipate some of the long-term ramifications of this.

Doesn't quite scan, but hey ho.

Did you just "out" yourself on Twitter? Or has your witty observation been stolen by another St Mirren fan?

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Just popped out for lunch there and caught a snippet of John Brown's interview with BBC Radio Scotland.

The man can barely string two words together, but worry not the Sevco Loyal, he and that nice man Mr Findlay will happily caretake your season ticket money pending King Billy's second coming :blink:

Rangers and all the detritus they have left in their wake are an embarrassment to Scottish football, and single-celled lifeforms such as Brown crawling from the murky depths of their fetid ponds to slabber incoherently merely compound this.

I really wish someone would do the merciful thing and administer the lethal injection to everyone associated with this tawdry debacle.

Edited by Drooper
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Just saw Bomber Brown's interview on SSN. Kind of felt a bit sorry for him, standing there trying to 'front' a bid while stammering through a badly memorised statement.

He was a good player but he has the IQ of a baboon. At least Charlie Green can talk coherently.

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Someone called ChrisBrookmyre just reposted the ditty on 'another site'. Is it twoo ? Do we really have slebs on Pn'B ?

Aye, but I was being discreet so that I could say, "see that guy whatsisname, it's really so and so" and bask in reflected glory. Like being Graham Spiers.

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the thing that ASTOUNDS ME throughout this is....

1. most Rangers fans trying to blame everyone else and keep saying "its not the fans fault" for some sort of pity - despite rampaging across Scotland and Europe almost every season for the last 30 years.

2. The fact they think they HAVE A RIGHT - to exist, just so they can still support someone despite being MILLIONS in debt and

3. The CONSTANT derision of ANYONE without a bluenose who has come in to try and help and turn their club around by threatening boycotts, players and former staff (managers ahem) ruffling the fans feathers at D-DAY plus 2 months then pulling out when they see the REAL mess that is there.

The Greens and other businessmen are outlining the fact that the club was in debt because they overspent and went into debt agreements they could not keep, they HAVE to costcut yet every time there is a rallying call from Green every Rangers fan and player comes out with "dont trust him" lines - well WHITE AND MURRAY were "Rangers Men" but not good businessmen, look where it got you - why you so fickle and constantly trying to bite every hand thats trying to feed you?

I can see it already, everyone finger pointing rather than simply re-orging, getting behind Green and realising AT BEST they will be in division 4 next season.

I cant see it happening, all the legalities and paperwork etc as well as the massive outlay on wages will run Greens fund dry at best, especially now loads of fans dont seem to be backing the newco.


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This tremendous thread had convinced me to register and post. Great to see the collective power of the diddy fans. I am very happy that Dougie Rae has come out today and said no to the parachuting of the newco to the first division. It must be tempting to take the cash that would come with their presence in the league, especially in times when our core fan base has dropped. Also in a town crawling with old firm glory hunters making a stand against either of them is not an easy thing to do.

It is good to see the mighty Ton showing the west coast clubs (we are the first on this side to show our hand I think) the way biggrin.gif

Well done P&B folks on your work so far.

West coast, eh? VikingTON won't be happy with that.

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