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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Surely the more likely angle is the Covid wrong-doing report has him (and others) bang to rights and he was going to be thrown out anyway.  He's jumped before he was pushed, squealing his innocence all the way. 

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45 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Surely the more likely angle is the Covid wrong-doing report has him (and others) bang to rights and he was going to be thrown out anyway.  He's jumped before he was pushed, squealing his innocence all the way. 

Of course it is. He was given the report today, which has the recommended sanction within it and has two weeks to respond to it. The game is up and he's gone before he faces a by-election and the electorate tell him to f**k off. 

A 1,000 word tear-strained resignation to go along with it, blaming everyone else for his own actions. What a shame. 

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Jumped before pushed. Although, free rain for all his nutter pals to come out of the woodwork.

I know most in Scotland never took to any of them anyway, but when you see the reactions today, these folk are utter utter mental. How any of them were able to serve in any government never mind be the senior leaders is utterly incredible. 

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8 hours ago, KirkieRR said:

Just the kind of shameless, self-justifying bombast you'd expect of him in a statement. A pathetic excuse for a human being, an ego out of control.

Trumpian in every detail including the old "they all know....." and "everyone knows....." use of defence lines when blatantly caught by the web of his own falsehoods, contradictions and actions. 

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5 minutes ago, RiG said:

Will the findings of the Party gate report be released to the public so we all get to see what a despicable cretin Johnson was during these lockdowns? 

The Privileges Committee is meeting on Monday to wrap up the inquiry and have said they will publish the report promptly.

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Looking forward, I think there is a reasonable possibility of a big split in the Conservative Party with the true believers joining forces with Tice, Farage and these folks to form a new right of centre party which, after a few years of Labour socialism, might be quite appealing.

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