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The Falkirk FC Thread

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1 hour ago, Mr X said:

So if you remain on 0 points until the last game of the season you wont be in a worse position than you are now?

Objectively no. Not in performance terms based on points earned.

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The state that Morton are getting themselves is unreal. It’s good to be on the supposed “winning” side of it for once. Pretty sure McKinnon pulled this stunt at raith as well but no idea how that ended up. If we end having to pay then no danger it will be 6 figures. Morton are just setting their stall out and the fact they opened the door to us surely dents that figure further

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8 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

As someone with a bit of experience in Management Contracts & Law through my job, there is absolutely no way Falkirk FC will ever get hauled up for this. I also have serious doubts Morton would get any joy going after McKinnon 

You may be correct but you miss the point.  In pursuance of this case towards a formal civil hearing, people like Snake Ray, your BoD members and the alleged "reporter" will have to prepare statements or respond to request for info maybe even affidavits. So all smug c***s press conference "assurances" about coincidences etc will require formal clarification. When it turns out there is no "reporter" and it's actually your chairman and then details of who contact who and when come out - then oh dear... everybody lied !!! Then push on with the civil case for compensation added to the lad Hartley' s claim and it's all getting terribly expensive. 

By the way he's actually not that great a manager and I doubt he'll be able to get a tune out of the squad of shite so far assembled at Falkirk. Can I recommend the Duffy method a playing Mark Russell in central midfield- try it.....it's proper entertainment.

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6 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

As someone with a bit of experience in Management Contracts & Law through my job, there is absolutely no way Falkirk FC will ever get hauled up for this. I also have serious doubts Morton would get any joy going after McKinnon 

Kind of what I was thinking, though without the benefit of your specialist knowledge.

Our BOD have been pilloried for a lot of things recently; lack of football knowledge being one of them. That may be a fair criticism and is something I recently debated with another  poster on here regarding "oversight" of Paul Hartley. 

However, the one thing I would NOT expect them to lack is knowledge of contract law. Not when the person who seems to have spearheaded our recruitment is a successful lawyer with decades of experience and is a partner in a legal firm. I  presume Margaret Lang would be entitled to see the contracts RM and DT had with Morton, as if those were the basis for a compensation claim then she would have to review them before deciding whether to accept the claim.

So it should already be fairly clear to both chairs which way a possible court case is likely to go. Whatever the result, one of them is going to end up with a lot of egg on their face. I wonder which?  

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10 minutes ago, gmac1874 said:

You may be correct but you miss the point.  In pursuance of this case towards a formal civil hearing, people like Snake Ray, your BoD members and the alleged "reporter" will have to prepare statements or respond to request for info maybe even affidavits. So all smug c***s press conference "assurances" about coincidences etc will require formal clarification. When it turns out there is no "reporter" and it's actually your chairman and then details of who contact who and when come out - then oh dear... everybody lied !!! Then push on with the civil case for compensation added to the lad Hartley' s claim and it's all getting terribly expensive. 

By the way he's actually not that great a manager and I doubt he'll be able to get a tune out of the squad of shite so far assembled at Falkirk. Can I recommend the Duffy method a playing Mark Russell in central midfield- try it.....it's proper entertainment.


You mad bro?

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36 minutes ago, Neilly said:

Save eh Bairns buckets are going to back out in yer face ootside the Howgate again at this rate.

An abomination of a football club.

Remember to donate whatever you can afford at the time then.

The Falkirk area needs us.

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Plan A went wrong so they stopped the bleeding and are recalibrating Plan B.
Nothing unusual in that, even if it is a bit of a humiliation for the board.

This mob are on plan Z after ten years though
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Here's the thing. Snake fuckwit Ray will no longer be able to hide behind his smug c**t face not looking anyone in the eye when he says it was all just coincidence and hadn't planned it all behind the backs of everyone.
As it would appear it's going legal because there is serious cash involved, snake ray will need to identify who the "reporter" was that told him that morton had refused contact from Falkirk. The alleged reporter is going to have to say where they got that info from - presumably someone at falkirk and the whole sordid backdoor shitfest will be out the open.
The dishonesty of Snake Ray and indeed perhaps members of the Falkirk board will be laid out for everyone to see.....by the way it's obvious it wasn't a reporter that told ray we had refused the approach from Falkirk - he was probably phoning Crawford whilst sitting next to the Falkirk Chairman. 
The truth will out ! 
Lots of absolute top level tears and snotters recently, but among the sudden (very sevcoesque) outbreak of football fans from Greenock who can barely spell or punctuate, yet suddenly know all about employment law the above is my favourite post/rant.

Never change Morton, you delusional fucking crackpots.
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55 minutes ago, Neilly said:

Save eh Bairns buckets are going to back out in yer face ootside the Howgate again at this rate.

An abomination of a football club.

...but a football club that will never ever sink as far as playing Wrestling music as the team comes out, THAT is an abomination for anyone aged more than 5.

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27 minutes ago, gmac1874 said:

You may be correct but you miss the point.  In pursuance of this case towards a formal civil hearing, people like Snake Ray, your BoD members and the alleged "reporter" will have to prepare statements or respond to request for info maybe even affidavits. So all smug c***s press conference "assurances" about coincidences etc will require formal clarification. When it turns out there is no "reporter" and it's actually your chairman and then details of who contact who and when come out - then oh dear... everybody lied !!! Then push on with the civil case for compensation added to the lad Hartley' s claim and it's all getting terribly expensive. 

By the way he's actually not that great a manager and I doubt he'll be able to get a tune out of the squad of shite so far assembled at Falkirk. Can I recommend the Duffy method a playing Mark Russell in central midfield- try it.....it's proper entertainment.


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