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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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If I was a director I’d consider managers with a proven track record.

Allan Johnstone – 80% win rate with QoS and 30% with Kilmarnock

Gary Bollan – 57% with Livingston and 38% with Airdrie

Stephen Aitken – 44% with Stranraer

Only Johnstone comes with no baggage, has a decent win rate and has managed in the top tier so he'd be my choice.

Anyone else out there?

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Maybe, just maybe the decision was not taken as a response to what was going on in the stands. Maybe the Director of Football has been doing his job and bringing Murrays short comings to the Boards attention. How many times in other jobs does a "consultant" Come in to review the key staffs abilities.

Just a possibility.

Although Murray was involved in the process more than a few were concerned for Murray when Malpas appeared. Not sure I would trust Malpas. As for Malpas becoming the next manager or on the management/ coaching team just ask the Hibs players about his behaviour with them. I would not let him near a dugout or my club for that matter!

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If I was a director I’d consider managers with a proven track record.

Allan Johnstone – 80% win rate with QoS and 30% with Kilmarnock

Gary Bollan – 57% with Livingston and 38% with Airdrie

Stephen Aitken – 44% with Stranraer

Only Johnstone comes with no baggage, has a decent win rate and has managed in the top tier so he'd be my choice.

Anyone else out there?

Derek Adams?

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I don't think Murray was a failure as manager but I do think change was needed. The majority of the fans were against him and the board are counting the cost of their ludicrous decision to extend his contract on the back of a half decent run 2 years ago.

Good luck to Bert, I'm sure someone will take a punt on him and I wouldn't be surprised if he goes on to have a successful managerial career.

I'm both excited and nervous about what the Rovers are about to do next!

You are probably right.

Was he at the end of his contract?

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I agree a lot with what Renton is saying. Now that he's gone I'm actually now a bit fearful of where we go from here, especially given some of the names being suggested.

Maybe I've nothing to worry about but at the moment it's feel like the bloke who's just walked out on his marriage because he liked the thought of shagging the local barmaid. Fast forward 12 months and he could end up shacked up with the barmaid living happily ever after. But it is equally likely he'll be sitting alone in s bedsit with only Babestation for company thinking 'what the f**k have I done?'

Time will tell

When did this incident happen to you?

Do you still keep in contact with the barmaid?

Do you have a sofa in your bedsit or are you still sitting on.a deck chair?

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Adams is my choice and has been from the start, what he done at County on not a massive budget is just what we're looking for.

Just noticed he is 8/1 for the job as well, maybe put a tenner on it.

Edited by Dazzle
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As your Seaside League spy, I'd say Bollan or Aitken would be excellent appointments for Pars or Rovers. I think Aitken could do better for himself than us in our current plight and Bollan might be the ideal candidate to whip our wasters into shape.

Adams, Bollan, Aitken, Johnstone - all seem good candidates.

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Can someone remind me the reason why quite a few of us don't like Adams in terms of his attitude? Did he say something rather out of order regarding our team at one point? I do remember him bigging us up from a fans point of view, something along the lines of him hating when we'd be shooting towards the South Stand as the fans behind the goal would literally 'suck the ball into the net'.

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Can someone remind me the reason why quite a few of us don't like Adams in terms of his attitude? Did he say something rather out of order regarding our team at one point? I do remember him bigging us up from a fans point of view, something along the lines of him hating when we'd be shooting towards the South Stand as the fans behind the goal would literally 'suck the ball into the net'.

He'd be able to use that to his advantage if he was given the opportunity at least.

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We're obviously going to have doubts and concerns - there are obvious pitfalls here. But the board were facing a new season starting with next to no goodwill and no optimism in the stands. Look at the end of the game on Saturday. Where could we go from there? We were unlikely to get relegated next season, but diminshing returns due to less and less interest and fan buy-in could have led to real trouble. Rot hasn't set in yet so this is an opportunity. The fans will have to buy in now though - this what we asked (booed)* for.

*I never booed the team, personally

I'm not a boo boy either. I just decided enough was enough at half-time on Saturday. Got up left the ground and went to look at cars. I thought 'I'll be buggered if I'm wasting my time here'. That thought was vindicated when I heard we'd been humped by the team at the bottom of the league.

If you're buying a season ticket but you're not sure why, as you don't like going anymore, then something is amiss.

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Can someone remind me the reason why quite a few of us don't like Adams in terms of his attitude? Did he say something rather out of order regarding our team at one point? I do remember him bigging us up from a fans point of view, something along the lines of him hating when we'd be shooting towards the South Stand as the fans behind the goal would literally 'suck the ball into the net'.

I remember that comment too. He likes a moan, but who fucking cares about that. He'd at least be on the same wavelength as out moaning b*****d support. And he's reasonably successful in terms of football management.

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Good luck to Murray in the future. The cup wins over Rangers and Hibs were all a bit of a giggle, but our league form was pretty grim. I thought that he'd be in a slightly more difficult position when Turnbull Hutton stepped down last year, as my understanding was that Hutton was a huge fan of him. Interesting to see where we go from here though.

The problem with Derek Adams is that he's possibly the most unpopular man in Scottish football, and I'm including Jamie Hamill in that equation.

I don't think it's a coincidence that he signed so many players from abroad, I think he did that as players who are familiar with him don't want anything to do with him.

He's had success though, and would be an understandable appointment, hence the fact I've just stuck a whopping £1 on him with McBookie. A few months ago I doubt he'd have been interested, but he's probably lowered his horizons after failing to get a Premiership post.

I'd like to see us go for McKinnon or Aitken if they're interested though, or possibly take a punt on Barry Robson who I think comes across reasonably well, and is looking to become a manager from what I gather. Maybe seen as a bit risky however.

The rest of the list is pretty uninspiring though. I reckon Allan Johnston would be a poor appointment, and Pressley is all style and no substance.

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If I was a director I’d consider managers with a proven track record.

Allan Johnstone – 80% win rate with QoS and 30% with Kilmarnock

Gary Bollan – 57% with Livingston and 38% with Airdrie

Stephen Aitken – 44% with Stranraer

Only Johnstone comes with no baggage, has a decent win rate and has managed in the top tier so he'd be my choice.

Anyone else out there?

Allan Johnston was brilliant in League 1 for Queens but he struggled at Killie. It would certainly be a gamble and I'd be keen to hear the thoughts of fans from both those clubs.

Gary Bollan has done well with both clubs he's managed but he's untested as this level and it would be a bit of a gamble.

Stephen Aitken has shown what can be done at a club with a lesser budget. Like Bollan he's untested but that's not necessarily a bad thing. My main concern for him though would be that Stranraer could be involved in the play-offs until mid-May and I'd doubt he'd come and speak to us during that time. If we waited until after then there's no guarantee he'd even come.

I'd be really excited by Darren Young or Barry Robson but I suppose any appointment would be a gamble. I mean who ever though Tommy Wright at Saints, or John Hughes at Calley, or Alex Reid at Hamilton would be the successes they were?

I see McBookie are offering 25/1 on John Hartson and Billy Davies!

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