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33 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

So if McGlynn offered Brad McKay a 3 year extension tomorrow, you wouldn’t expect the board to bat an eyelid as long as it was within budget?

I'd expected them to bat several eyelids, and it would probably raise some doubts in their mind about his football judgement. 

However, as long at it was within budget I wouldn't want or expect any board to interfere. Otherwise, how far do you go? Should they have prevented Martin Rennie signing Finlay Malcolm last April when he left a fortnight later? Should a previous board have prevented Houston signing Balatoni at the end of August when they sacked him three weeks later? 

Unless there are financial or moral reasons for saying no, boards should not be involved in football decisions. I'd say the furthest they should go is to put a limit on the lengths of contract which can be offered.   


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1 minute ago, Brockvillenomore said:

I really think we should all ignore any advice offered up by somebody who thinks its a good idea to share on a public forum a private email. 

I requested and was given permission to share it. 

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14 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

Folks it GTF day and yet again we are left behind. Last year was definitely a bit of an improvement on the previous season. We are pretty much split on the management team but it is what it is and they are who we are going into next season with. We have new signings to look forward too and our cracking new strips will be out soon 😁 things have been a bit negative on here recently which I suppose has been understandable given the debacle of the last few months of the season.

I am optimistic for next season, don’t ask me why but I just am. Let’s give whoever we sign a chance and get behind the management team, until mid September anyway.

I'm not optimistic at all. I think all of our players are shit and every player that our shit manager signs from now on will be shit too. They won't be fit to wear our new shit shirts! In fact, why do we need a management team at all? We should just let our shit board pick the shit team because they should be deciding what shit signings we make anyway!

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9 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

Im sure length of contracts will be discussed by more than just the manager if it's a certain length but I doubt 2 years is of a length where that would be necessary though. 

In tough times, it may well be a necessity though. I suppose the simplest example would be Nesbitt. A two year contract. By its very definition, it’s not within budget, as he doesn’t have a set budget for season 24/25, so there would have to be a “length and terms of contract” discussion or the Board aren’t doing their job.
Unspoken or not, the Board won’t be shrugging their shoulders and writing off a McGlynn team collapse as a “one off”…….it’s a repeating pattern throughout his career, and I am sure the Board are now acutely aware of that.

Interventions will happen from time to time, and those interventions aren’t always about firing the manager.

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24 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

I'm not optimistic at all. I think all of our players are shit and every player that our shit manager signs from now on will be shit too. They won't be fit to wear our new shit shirts! In fact, why do we need a management team at all? We should just let our shit board pick the shit team because they should be deciding what shit signings we make anyway!

As far as the squad are concerned we are shopping in the bargain basement our level dictates therefore we get the appropriate quality of product.

The residue of players from last season failed and the support have to face the fact they were not good enough so no excuses for them.

With one or two exceptions if they were to get cleared out it would not give a toss. Hopefully some of the signed players will be moved on and the more the better.

We will be making 8-9 signings plus replacements for any of the squad players we are lucky enough to move on.

Like you I am not hopeful as the sad fact is that the quality we require ain't going to touch us with a barge pole because of reasons that have been well discussed on the forum.


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56 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

I'm not optimistic at all. I think all of our players are shit and every player that our shit manager signs from now on will be shit too. They won't be fit to wear our new shit shirts! In fact, why do we need a management team at all? We should just let our shit board pick the shit team because they should be deciding what shit signings we make anyway!

We’re blue we’re white and everything is shite

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1 hour ago, ShaggerG said:

I'm not optimistic at all. I think all of our players are shit and every player that our shit manager signs from now on will be shit too. They won't be fit to wear our new shit shirts! In fact, why do we need a management team at all? We should just let our shit board pick the shit team because they should be deciding what shit signings we make anyway!

You really need to stop being so positive 

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17 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

While I totally agree that the board shouldn’t be telling the manager who he can’t and can’t sign, surely there has to be some oversight of contract terms. Particularly when you’ve got a manager who could very well be out the door before some of his signings.

Otherwise you can easily end up with duds on inflated wages and extended contracts like Holt left us with.

What do you suggest, we build in a clause to a contract that states it’s a two year deal or it expires on the manager being sacked, which ever comes first.

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3 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

So if McGlynn offered Brad McKay a 3 year extension tomorrow, you wouldn’t expect the board to bat an eyelid as long as it was within budget?

It is about as likely as you being our next manager but you would sack him for even contemplating it 

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3 hours ago, Bairn in Exile said:

His giving 2 year deals to Nesbitt and MacIver doesn’t bode well for the future either.

How do you know that? Nesbitt may well chip in with 15 goals and 10 assists next season and make him a saleable asset given he'll still have a year left on his contract. MacIver could bang in 25 goals and finish top scorer in the league as we romp it 15 points clear 

At least give the team a chance to gel before passing judgement

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26 minutes ago, FK1Bairn said:

How do you know that? Nesbitt may well chip in with 15 goals and 10 assists next season and make him a saleable asset given he'll still have a year left on his contract. MacIver could bang in 25 goals and finish top scorer in the league as we romp it 15 points clear 

At least give the team a chance to gel before passing judgement

We know exactly what Nesbitt will contribute based on the past 2 seasons- a handful of good performances and very little otherwise.

Never mind a saleable asset, I’d pay an other club to take him off our hands.

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That anti McGlynn sect playing a blinder 

Just now, PedroMoutinho said:

We know exactly what Nesbitt will contribute based on the past 2 seasons- a handful of good performances and very little otherwise.

Never mind a saleable asset, I’d pay an other club to take him off our hands.

His peers voted him in the best 11 in the league. 

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The only time a board should intervene in recruitment is if the player being signed has risks/elements that are additional to footballing performance which would lead to damage to the club and its reputation off the pitch (see you-know-who from Clyde).

Otherwise, the manager gets free reign to recruit who he wants within the set, agreed budget. If he fails, he'll lose his job. Simple enough.

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11 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

We must be the only club in the world where the fans actually want the board to interfere with the managers job. Absolutely incredible. 

A tiny minority of fans please

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3 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

I'm not optimistic at all. I think all of our players are shit and every player that our shit manager signs from now on will be shit too. They won't be fit to wear our new shit shirts! In fact, why do we need a management team at all? We should just let our shit board pick the shit team because they should be deciding what shit signings we make anyway!

So you think the pies are ok then. That’s just typical of you and your happy clapper mentality.

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41 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

That anti McGlynn sect playing a blinder 

His peers voted him in the best 11 in the league. 

Probably because he posed them the fewest problems. They guy ain’t great, and virtually everyone knows it. Even the “top assists” chat died away after he never managed a single one after the start of January. As much as anyone, he has been a key part of two of our worst seasons in living memory…….and not in a good way.


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